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UE763 - Monetary and financial history

Lieu et planning

Planning en cours de validation.


Dernière modification : 25 mai 2024 13:43

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Page web
L’enseignement est uniquement dispensé dans cette langue.
Histoire économique et sociale
Aires culturelles

This class aims at introducing to the history of money, banking and finance both at the micro and macroeconomic levels. It will present the development of monetary and financial instruments and institutions from early modern period, focusing mostly on the 19th and 20th century. It will emphasize both the need to properly understand a particular historical context in its socio-historical depth and the usefulness of economic theory and statistics when trying to understand what happened then.


*For each session, students have to read one of the two articles that complement the previous session, and to write a short note on it (less than one page) highlighting criticisms and questions. This will help starting the discussion during the class. These short notes are not graded. This is pass or fail. If you miss more than 1, you will get 3 points subtracted from the final grade of the course.

* Final essay. Students have to write a research project (10 pages maximum) with a 1) research question ; 2) a litterature review; 3) a research methodology, stressing how you could find sources and analyse data to answer your research question. If applicable, it should include some preliminary analysis based on secondary literature, datasets or archives available online.

You are free to choose your research topic. We will also suggest some topics. You are encouraged to work in pairs (that is, submit a single research project written by two students).

Organization of the course:

Each session starts by a discussion of  two required readings. The professors introduce the articles and ask questions that students are invited to answer. Students also ask their own questions and express their critical opinion on the articles during the general discussion.

Most of these articles are recent works - sometimes still working papers - and they reflect diverse methodologies and approaches.

The second half of the session  is devoted to a formal lecture by the two professors.

The required readings for the next session will be based on this lecture. It means that students  read papers on a specific topic after having attended an introductory lecture on the topic in the previous course. This is intended to facilitate reading and discussion.

The seminar starts in January, runs every Tuesday afternoon and is taught in English. Check the M2 agenda of PSE's masters to see the room and hours, or contact the professors

Le programme détaillé n'est pas disponible.


  • Initiation/introduction – Analyse et politique économiques – M2/S4
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 4 ECTS
    MCC – essai
  • Initiation/introduction – Économie appliquée - Politiques publiques et développement – M2/S4
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 4 ECTS
    MCC – essai
  • Initiation/introduction – Sciences économiques et sociales - Institutions, organisations, économie et société – M2/S4
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 4 ECTS
    MCC – essai


Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques
Direction de travaux des étudiants
Réception des candidats

Dernière modification : 25 mai 2024 13:43

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Page web
L’enseignement est uniquement dispensé dans cette langue.
Histoire économique et sociale
Aires culturelles

This class aims at introducing to the history of money, banking and finance both at the micro and macroeconomic levels. It will present the development of monetary and financial instruments and institutions from early modern period, focusing mostly on the 19th and 20th century. It will emphasize both the need to properly understand a particular historical context in its socio-historical depth and the usefulness of economic theory and statistics when trying to understand what happened then.


*For each session, students have to read one of the two articles that complement the previous session, and to write a short note on it (less than one page) highlighting criticisms and questions. This will help starting the discussion during the class. These short notes are not graded. This is pass or fail. If you miss more than 1, you will get 3 points subtracted from the final grade of the course.

* Final essay. Students have to write a research project (10 pages maximum) with a 1) research question ; 2) a litterature review; 3) a research methodology, stressing how you could find sources and analyse data to answer your research question. If applicable, it should include some preliminary analysis based on secondary literature, datasets or archives available online.

You are free to choose your research topic. We will also suggest some topics. You are encouraged to work in pairs (that is, submit a single research project written by two students).

Organization of the course:

Each session starts by a discussion of  two required readings. The professors introduce the articles and ask questions that students are invited to answer. Students also ask their own questions and express their critical opinion on the articles during the general discussion.

Most of these articles are recent works - sometimes still working papers - and they reflect diverse methodologies and approaches.

The second half of the session  is devoted to a formal lecture by the two professors.

The required readings for the next session will be based on this lecture. It means that students  read papers on a specific topic after having attended an introductory lecture on the topic in the previous course. This is intended to facilitate reading and discussion.

The seminar starts in January, runs every Tuesday afternoon and is taught in English. Check the M2 agenda of PSE's masters to see the room and hours, or contact the professors

Le programme détaillé n'est pas disponible.

  • Initiation/introduction – Analyse et politique économiques – M2/S4
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 4 ECTS
    MCC – essai
  • Initiation/introduction – Économie appliquée - Politiques publiques et développement – M2/S4
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 4 ECTS
    MCC – essai
  • Initiation/introduction – Sciences économiques et sociales - Institutions, organisations, économie et société – M2/S4
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 4 ECTS
    MCC – essai
Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques
Direction de travaux des étudiants
Réception des candidats

Planning en cours de validation.