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UE794 - Experiments in the social sciences

Lieu et planning

Enseignement suspendu durant l'année universitaire 2021-2022.


Dernière modification : 3 octobre 2022 09:23

Type d'UE
Séminaires DE/MC
Économie, Philosophie et épistémologie
Page web
Économie Épistémologie Histoire des idées Marché Méthodes et techniques des sciences sociales
Aires culturelles
  • Miriam Teschl [référent·e]   maîtresse de conférences, EHESS / Aix-Marseille Sciences économiques (AMSE)

There are a number of different experiments in economics. In particular, there is a difference between behavioural economics on the one hand, the branch of economics that links in particular psychology and economics, and experimental economics on the other hand. The latter tests market mechanisms and incentive structures on individual behaviour. Experiments also concern neuroscientific research in economics. The experimental literature in economics has become a standard way of reasoning in economics and is a perfect tool to bridge over to other disciplines in the social sciences concerned with individual decision-making and its consequences.

I will give an introduction to mark the historical development of “experiments” in economics, starting in particular with Herbert Simon, explaining the different “schools” of experiments in behavioural economics, around key figures such as Daniel Kahneman on the one hand and Gerd Gigerenzer on the other for example, and differentiating it from typical market experiments à la V. Smith.

I will present some key results of the experimental and behavioural literature and indicate how these results have influenced and/or challenged economic theory. This will obviously concern some references to typical and repeatedly observed “biases” in rational decision-making in the behavioural literature. Following this, I will introduce the notion of ecological rationality and will explain what this means in the experimental literature. I will discuss some more methodological and epistemological questions, in particular concerning the external validity of experiments.

Le programme détaillé n'est pas disponible.


Cette UE n'est rattachée à aucune formation de master.


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Pour plus de renseignement:

Direction de travaux des étudiants
Réception des candidats

Compte rendu

Enseignement suspendu durant l'année universitaire 2020-2021.

Dernière modification : 3 octobre 2022 09:23

Type d'UE
Séminaires DE/MC
Économie, Philosophie et épistémologie
Page web
Économie Épistémologie Histoire des idées Marché Méthodes et techniques des sciences sociales
Aires culturelles
  • Miriam Teschl [référent·e]   maîtresse de conférences, EHESS / Aix-Marseille Sciences économiques (AMSE)

There are a number of different experiments in economics. In particular, there is a difference between behavioural economics on the one hand, the branch of economics that links in particular psychology and economics, and experimental economics on the other hand. The latter tests market mechanisms and incentive structures on individual behaviour. Experiments also concern neuroscientific research in economics. The experimental literature in economics has become a standard way of reasoning in economics and is a perfect tool to bridge over to other disciplines in the social sciences concerned with individual decision-making and its consequences.

I will give an introduction to mark the historical development of “experiments” in economics, starting in particular with Herbert Simon, explaining the different “schools” of experiments in behavioural economics, around key figures such as Daniel Kahneman on the one hand and Gerd Gigerenzer on the other for example, and differentiating it from typical market experiments à la V. Smith.

I will present some key results of the experimental and behavioural literature and indicate how these results have influenced and/or challenged economic theory. This will obviously concern some references to typical and repeatedly observed “biases” in rational decision-making in the behavioural literature. Following this, I will introduce the notion of ecological rationality and will explain what this means in the experimental literature. I will discuss some more methodological and epistemological questions, in particular concerning the external validity of experiments.

Le programme détaillé n'est pas disponible.

Cette UE n'est rattachée à aucune formation de master.

Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques

Pour plus de renseignement:

Direction de travaux des étudiants
Réception des candidats
Enseignement suspendu durant l'année universitaire 2021-2022.

Enseignement suspendu durant l'année universitaire 2020-2021.