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UE486 - Cognitive Neurosciences of Consciousness (COGSCI 311)

Lieu et planning

  • Autre lieu Paris
    Université Paris Descartes, 12 rue de l'École de Médecine 75006 Paris
    1er semestre / hebdomadaire, mercredi 09:30-12:30
    du 15 septembre 2021 au 12 janvier 2022


Dernière modification : 12 mai 2021 09:47

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Psychologie et sciences cognitives
Page web 
Sciences cognitives
Aires culturelles

This course aims at presenting a state of the art in cognitive neuroscience research on consciousness. The major focus of the course is the understanding of the psychological properties and neural underpinnings of conscious perception, conscious access and reflexive consciousness (the ability to make introspective judgments about one's own perception or cognition). From there we make propositions as to how other aspects of consciousness relate to this central building block. The course opens to these other aspects in two ways: seminars by external teachers and students’ mini-projects. Our main working model is the Global Neuronal Workspace Model. Other models are mentioned and discussed: local recurrence; higher order thought; Integrated Information Theory. Throughout the course we keep in mind the societal challenges linked with this research topic, including the assessment of pathologies of consciousness, the assessment of consciousness in animals and the acknowledgement of the unconscious determinants of (human) behaviours and decisions.

Ce cours présente l’état de l’art des neurosciences cognitives de la conscience. Il met particulièrement l’accent sur les propriétés psychologiques et les bases neuronales de la conscience perceptive, la conscience d’accès et la conscience réflexive (i.e. la capacité à formuler des jugements introspectifs sur sa propre perception ou cognition). À partir de là nous formulons des propositions sur la manière dont les autres aspects des la conscience pourraient s’articuler avec ces notions centrales. Ce cours s’ouvre sur les autres aspects de la conscience également à travers des séminaires d’intervenant(e)s extérieur(e)s et les présentations de mini-projets des étudiant(e)s. Notre modèle de référence sera le modèle de l’espace de travail conscient. Plusieurs modèles alternatifs seront mentionnés et discutés : récurrences locales, pensée de second ordre, théorie de l’information intégrée. Nous gardons à l’esprit, à toutes les étapes de ce cours, les défis sociétaux associés à l’étude de la conscience, notamment le diagnostic des pathologies de la conscience, l’évaluation de la conscience chez les animaux, la connaissance des déterminants inconscients des comportements et des décisions.

Through successful completion of this course, students are expected to:

  • Possess an overview of experimental results regarding conscious perception, conscious access and introspection

  • Consolidate their knowledge on some technical methods in Psychology (i.e. avoiding regression to the mean in studies on unconscious cognition; advanced signal detection theory for assessing metacognition…) and in Neuroscience (classification techniques, dynamical models)

  • Be discussant with how intuitive concepts can be operationalized experimentally

  • Understand the dialog between model and experimentation and be able to propose experimentations to probe a model (mini-projects, see validation)

  • Reflect on the philosophical and societal implications of experimental research on consciousness

  • Build a short research project on a topic of their choice relating to consciousness (see validation)


  • Séminaires de tronc commun – Sciences cognitives – M1/S1-M2/S3
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 6 ECTS
    MCC – Mini-projets


Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques
Direction de travaux des étudiants

60% of the course is delivered by us, Claire Sergent and Jérôme Sackur. We provide an overview of conceptual issues in the scientific study of consciousness, and of current experimental research on conscious access and metacognition. We follow students in their mini-projects, the elaboration of which is an integral part of the course methodology (see assignment, below).

40% of the course consists in seminars from external experts (sleep, disorders of consciousness, subjectivity, sensori-motor theory of consciousness, testing consciousness in babies and animals).

Generally 2/3rd to 3/4th of each “lecture class” consist in a lecture including discussion with students, and 1/4th to 1/3rd consist in studying one specific example together. For example the teacher explains the methods of one study and shows the results’ graphs, the class provides interpretation, conclusion and discussion. Some lectures will include online quiz (not marked) to assess the level of understanding. Some lectures will require the completion of a quiz (not marked) prior to the lecture to assess students’ priors on some topics (e.g. “the importance of unconscious cognition in determining our actions…”), and the class will start with a debriefing of the results of the quiz.

Two sessions of 3 hours halfway through the semester consist in students’ presentation and discussion of their on-going mini-projects (see assignment below)

The last course is devoted to a synthesis and general discussion with several instructors, and is prepared based on questions posted by students on Schoology.

Students will be expected to read / follow 2 to 3 “crash courses” (on the course website in Schoology) prior to the corresponding course (e.g. crash course on signal detection theory)

Réception des candidats

Cogmaster M1 or equivalent: specifically base knowledge in Neurosciences and Psychology, some notions in modelling or philosophy of mind.

Having followed “Introduction to Neurosciences” and “Introduction to Psychology” (or equivalent) will be a bare minimum.

Having followed the course on “Neuroimaging techniques” and the “Advanced course in Neurosciences”, or advance courses in psychology (methodology or psychological functions) will be very useful to make the most of this course.

Dernière modification : 12 mai 2021 09:47

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Psychologie et sciences cognitives
Page web 
Sciences cognitives
Aires culturelles

This course aims at presenting a state of the art in cognitive neuroscience research on consciousness. The major focus of the course is the understanding of the psychological properties and neural underpinnings of conscious perception, conscious access and reflexive consciousness (the ability to make introspective judgments about one's own perception or cognition). From there we make propositions as to how other aspects of consciousness relate to this central building block. The course opens to these other aspects in two ways: seminars by external teachers and students’ mini-projects. Our main working model is the Global Neuronal Workspace Model. Other models are mentioned and discussed: local recurrence; higher order thought; Integrated Information Theory. Throughout the course we keep in mind the societal challenges linked with this research topic, including the assessment of pathologies of consciousness, the assessment of consciousness in animals and the acknowledgement of the unconscious determinants of (human) behaviours and decisions.

Ce cours présente l’état de l’art des neurosciences cognitives de la conscience. Il met particulièrement l’accent sur les propriétés psychologiques et les bases neuronales de la conscience perceptive, la conscience d’accès et la conscience réflexive (i.e. la capacité à formuler des jugements introspectifs sur sa propre perception ou cognition). À partir de là nous formulons des propositions sur la manière dont les autres aspects des la conscience pourraient s’articuler avec ces notions centrales. Ce cours s’ouvre sur les autres aspects de la conscience également à travers des séminaires d’intervenant(e)s extérieur(e)s et les présentations de mini-projets des étudiant(e)s. Notre modèle de référence sera le modèle de l’espace de travail conscient. Plusieurs modèles alternatifs seront mentionnés et discutés : récurrences locales, pensée de second ordre, théorie de l’information intégrée. Nous gardons à l’esprit, à toutes les étapes de ce cours, les défis sociétaux associés à l’étude de la conscience, notamment le diagnostic des pathologies de la conscience, l’évaluation de la conscience chez les animaux, la connaissance des déterminants inconscients des comportements et des décisions.

Through successful completion of this course, students are expected to:

  • Possess an overview of experimental results regarding conscious perception, conscious access and introspection

  • Consolidate their knowledge on some technical methods in Psychology (i.e. avoiding regression to the mean in studies on unconscious cognition; advanced signal detection theory for assessing metacognition…) and in Neuroscience (classification techniques, dynamical models)

  • Be discussant with how intuitive concepts can be operationalized experimentally

  • Understand the dialog between model and experimentation and be able to propose experimentations to probe a model (mini-projects, see validation)

  • Reflect on the philosophical and societal implications of experimental research on consciousness

  • Build a short research project on a topic of their choice relating to consciousness (see validation)

  • Séminaires de tronc commun – Sciences cognitives – M1/S1-M2/S3
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 6 ECTS
    MCC – Mini-projets
Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques
Direction de travaux des étudiants

60% of the course is delivered by us, Claire Sergent and Jérôme Sackur. We provide an overview of conceptual issues in the scientific study of consciousness, and of current experimental research on conscious access and metacognition. We follow students in their mini-projects, the elaboration of which is an integral part of the course methodology (see assignment, below).

40% of the course consists in seminars from external experts (sleep, disorders of consciousness, subjectivity, sensori-motor theory of consciousness, testing consciousness in babies and animals).

Generally 2/3rd to 3/4th of each “lecture class” consist in a lecture including discussion with students, and 1/4th to 1/3rd consist in studying one specific example together. For example the teacher explains the methods of one study and shows the results’ graphs, the class provides interpretation, conclusion and discussion. Some lectures will include online quiz (not marked) to assess the level of understanding. Some lectures will require the completion of a quiz (not marked) prior to the lecture to assess students’ priors on some topics (e.g. “the importance of unconscious cognition in determining our actions…”), and the class will start with a debriefing of the results of the quiz.

Two sessions of 3 hours halfway through the semester consist in students’ presentation and discussion of their on-going mini-projects (see assignment below)

The last course is devoted to a synthesis and general discussion with several instructors, and is prepared based on questions posted by students on Schoology.

Students will be expected to read / follow 2 to 3 “crash courses” (on the course website in Schoology) prior to the corresponding course (e.g. crash course on signal detection theory)

Réception des candidats

Cogmaster M1 or equivalent: specifically base knowledge in Neurosciences and Psychology, some notions in modelling or philosophy of mind.

Having followed “Introduction to Neurosciences” and “Introduction to Psychology” (or equivalent) will be a bare minimum.

Having followed the course on “Neuroimaging techniques” and the “Advanced course in Neurosciences”, or advance courses in psychology (methodology or psychological functions) will be very useful to make the most of this course.

  • Autre lieu Paris
    Université Paris Descartes, 12 rue de l'École de Médecine 75006 Paris
    1er semestre / hebdomadaire, mercredi 09:30-12:30
    du 15 septembre 2021 au 12 janvier 2022