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UE460 - Reference and meaning [PHIL 301]

Lieu et planning

  • ENS-Ulm
    75005 Paris
    1er semestre / hebdomadaire, samedi 08:00-10:00
    du 18 septembre 2021 au 15 janvier 2022


Dernière modification : 18 juin 2021 12:50

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Psychologie et sciences cognitives
Page web
Philosophie Sciences cognitives
Aires culturelles
  • Denis Buehler [référent·e]   maître de conférences, ENS / Institut Jean-Nicod (IJN)

In this advanced course we will engage with the defining debates in analytic philosophy in the 20th century, focusing on questions concerning reference and meaning, and tracing how these debates inform current issues in the philosophy of mind and cognitive science.

On successful completion of this course, students should have acquired

- in-depth knowledge of traditional debates in analytic philosophy

- advanced training in analysis of philosophical texts, argumentation, and academic writing


  • Séminaires de tronc commun – Sciences cognitives – M2/S3
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 6 ECTS
    MCC – examen


Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques
Direction de travaux des étudiants
  • Final exam; presentation; paper
Réception des candidats

Introductory class in philosophy of mind or philosophy of cognitive science; introductory class in logic. Advanced class in phil mind, language, or epistemology.

Dernière modification : 18 juin 2021 12:50

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Psychologie et sciences cognitives
Page web
Philosophie Sciences cognitives
Aires culturelles
  • Denis Buehler [référent·e]   maître de conférences, ENS / Institut Jean-Nicod (IJN)

In this advanced course we will engage with the defining debates in analytic philosophy in the 20th century, focusing on questions concerning reference and meaning, and tracing how these debates inform current issues in the philosophy of mind and cognitive science.

On successful completion of this course, students should have acquired

- in-depth knowledge of traditional debates in analytic philosophy

- advanced training in analysis of philosophical texts, argumentation, and academic writing

  • Séminaires de tronc commun – Sciences cognitives – M2/S3
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 6 ECTS
    MCC – examen
Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques
Direction de travaux des étudiants
  • Final exam; presentation; paper
Réception des candidats

Introductory class in philosophy of mind or philosophy of cognitive science; introductory class in logic. Advanced class in phil mind, language, or epistemology.

  • ENS-Ulm
    75005 Paris
    1er semestre / hebdomadaire, samedi 08:00-10:00
    du 18 septembre 2021 au 15 janvier 2022