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UE453 - Psychological functions I [PSYCH 201]
Lieu et planning
75005 Paris
2nd semestre / hebdomadaire, mercredi 14:00-17:00
du 8 septembre 2021 au 12 janvier 2022
Dernière modification : 18 juin 2021 12:49
- Type d'UE
- Enseignements fondamentaux de master
- Disciplines
- Psychologie et sciences cognitives
- Page web
- Langues
- anglais
- Mots-clés
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- Aires culturelles
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- Thérèse Collins [référent·e] professeure des universités, Université de Paris
The goal is to provide both functional knowledge of the experimental paradigms that have been used to investigate various psychological concepts, and to delve into the theories that these experimental paradigms have enabled psychologists to develop.
L’objectif du cours est de présenter à la fois les paradigmes expérimentaux qui ont été développés pour étudier divers fonctions psychologiques, et d’aborder les théories que ces paradigmes ont permis aux psychologues de développer.
Undergraduate-level education in cognitive psychology. This prerequisite can be met in different ways: having an undergraduate degree in psychology or cognitive science, reading, MOOC, CO3. Students who have undergraduate training in any experimental science may be authorized to take the course after catching up some references. Contact the course coordinator to see if you have the prerequisites.
After having taken this course, students will:
- Possess a tool-box of the major experimental paradigms used in cognitive psychology.
- Possess an overview of experimental results that have fuelled the major theories of cognitive function.
- Be able to explain some of the key concepts and paradigms in cognitive psychology.
- Be able to read and critique experimental findings based on basic background knowledge of the different fields.
Séminaires de tronc commun
– Sciences cognitives
– M1/S2
Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 6 ECTS
MCC – CC +Examen
- Contacts additionnels
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- Informations pratiques
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- Direction de travaux des étudiants
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- Réception des candidats
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- Pré-requis
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Dernière modification : 18 juin 2021 12:49
- Type d'UE
- Enseignements fondamentaux de master
- Disciplines
- Psychologie et sciences cognitives
- Page web
- Langues
- anglais
- Mots-clés
- -
- Aires culturelles
- -
- Thérèse Collins [référent·e] professeure des universités, Université de Paris
The goal is to provide both functional knowledge of the experimental paradigms that have been used to investigate various psychological concepts, and to delve into the theories that these experimental paradigms have enabled psychologists to develop.
L’objectif du cours est de présenter à la fois les paradigmes expérimentaux qui ont été développés pour étudier divers fonctions psychologiques, et d’aborder les théories que ces paradigmes ont permis aux psychologues de développer.
Undergraduate-level education in cognitive psychology. This prerequisite can be met in different ways: having an undergraduate degree in psychology or cognitive science, reading, MOOC, CO3. Students who have undergraduate training in any experimental science may be authorized to take the course after catching up some references. Contact the course coordinator to see if you have the prerequisites.
After having taken this course, students will:
- Possess a tool-box of the major experimental paradigms used in cognitive psychology.
- Possess an overview of experimental results that have fuelled the major theories of cognitive function.
- Be able to explain some of the key concepts and paradigms in cognitive psychology.
- Be able to read and critique experimental findings based on basic background knowledge of the different fields.
Séminaires de tronc commun
– Sciences cognitives
– M1/S2
Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 6 ECTS
MCC – CC +Examen
- Contacts additionnels
- -
- Informations pratiques
- -
- Direction de travaux des étudiants
- -
- Réception des candidats
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- Pré-requis
- -
75005 Paris
2nd semestre / hebdomadaire, mercredi 14:00-17:00
du 8 septembre 2021 au 12 janvier 2022