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UE452 - Augmented cognition (COGENG 302)

Lieu et planning

  • ENS-Ulm
    75005 Paris
    1er semestre / hebdomadaire, lundi 09:30-11:30
    du 20 septembre 2021 au 10 janvier 2022


Dernière modification : 18 juin 2021 12:48

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Psychologie et sciences cognitives
Page web 
Sciences cognitives
Aires culturelles

The brain is a learning device. A well-developed brain gives to human unprecedented flexibility and adaptability. The aim of this course is to present key intervention schemes in several areas of neuroscience and cognitive engineering to show how neuroplasticity can be harnessed to (1) help recovering from neurological damage (sensory deficits, genetic diseases, stroke, etc.) via directly intervening on the material substrate (cochlear implants, stimulation, neurofeedback, gene therapies, etc.), (2) to acquire new skills or knowledge through education or training, or (3) to support cognition by modifying or reshaping the social and technical environment (design, urban planning, nudge, artefacts, etc.). The course will insist on evidence-based approaches of cognitive repair, cognitive remediation and enhancement. The course will also emphasize the many challenges that theses intervention schemes face in assisting, repairing or improving human cognition.

Le cerveau est un système apprenant. Un cerveau bien développé procure à l’individu une adaptabilité et une flexibilité sans précédent. Le but de ce cours est de présenter certains schémas d’intervention clés dans plusieurs domaines des neurosciences et de l’ingénierie cognitive afin de montrer comment la neuroplasticité peut être exploitée pour (1) se remettre d’une atteinte neurologique (déficit sensoriel, maladie génétique, attaque cérébrale, etc.) en intervenant directement sur le substrat matériel (implants cochléaires, stimulation, neurofeedback, thérapies géniques, etc.), (2) acquérir de nouvelles compétences ou connaissances via l’éducation ou l’entraînement, ou (3) pour assister la cognition en modifiant ou remodelant l’environnement social et techniques des individus (design, urbanisme, nudge, artefacts, etc.). Le cours insistera sur les approches en remédiation, réhabilitation ou amélioration cognitive basées sur les preuves. Le cours mettra également l’accent sur les difficultés que ces schémas d’intervention rencontrent dans leur capacité à assister, réparer ou améliorer la cognition humaine.

On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • understand the distinction between the three levels of intervention (environnement, software/psychology, hardware/brain) identified in the course.

  • identifying what can and cannot be done, what works and what does not (or not so well).

  • to provide evidence-based reasons for why a given intervention scheme works or does not work.

  • understand why it is more challenging to intervene at one level than at another (e.g. hardware vs software).

  • design an experimental plan to test the effectiveness of an intervention or to compare intervention schemes with each other.


  • Séminaires de tronc commun – Sciences cognitives – M2/S3
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 4 ECTS
    MCC – participation + oral + écrit


Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques

Attendance. Regular attendance of, and punctual arrival at all lectures are crucial to succeed in this course, and they are mandatory for all students registered for credit. This is important both for your individual success in this course, and for every other students’ success. Keep in mind in particular that, by arriving late, you are jeopardizing your own but also your classmates’ education by disrupting the flow of lectures. Practically speaking, if you are registered for credit then your grade will suffer from poor attendance or recurrent late arrivals. If you are not registered for credit, the same policy applies, though with different consequences: poor attendance or recurrent late arrivals may force us to ask you to stop auditing the course.

Participation. You are strongly encouraged to participate in lectures. This means asking deep and challenging questions, but also asking simple questions, asking for clarification, saying “I’m just not getting this, please explain it in some new way” or “I’m lost, can you remind me why we’re talking about this?” You can ask questions in French at any time.


Contacting the organizer via Schoology is the best way to contact me when you have brief questions.


Homework. All homework assignments are to be handed on time via Schoology. You can write up your answers in French or in English (NB you will not lose points for grammatical mistakes!). If you hand in all of the assignments, your lowest score will be factored out. Importantly if you do not hand in all of the assignments, your lowest score (namely 0) will not be dropped, and your grade will suffer accordingly. Naturally, exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis given adequately documented extraordinary circumstances.

Discussing assignments with classmates. You are allowed (and to some extent encouraged) to discuss homework assignments with your classmates. However, two things are required if you engage in substantive discussions of solutions: (i) you must indicate in your write-up the names of classmates with which you discussed solutions in some depth, and (ii) you must write up your answers to the assignment by yourself. Under no circumstances are you to share typed-up answers to the assignments or to discuss the actual write-ups. Use this opportunity for collaboration with your classmates wisely: working with a classmate who is more comfortable than you on a particular topic can help you understand that topic better; working with a classmate who knows less than you about a particular topic can help you consolidate what you know and force you to reassess fundamental elements of your knowledge. But you should collaborate with classmates in very small groups that are relatively well balanced in terms of understanding of the material.


Academic honesty policy. Cheating will not be tolerated and may cost you your grade as well as have deeper repercussions in your academic career. The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples of what counts as cheating in this course: (i) signing on the attendance sheet without attending the class (e.g. signing and leaving, or signing for someone else); (ii) copying the homework write-up or the exam answers of another student, with or without that student’s knowledge; (iii) copying elements of your solutions of exercises from sources in the literature without giving them due credit; (iv) using the same homework to validate two courses.


All days of the week before 2pm

Direction de travaux des étudiants

#1 Class participation (15% of the grade).

•  Oral (maximum 6 points). Your in-class participation helps us evaluate your overall engagement with the course. It could be in English or French. 1 participation (via the chat or in the class) gives the highest score every week. 


#2 TD (50% of the grade).

•  Written (maximum 14 points). Each week, an exercise on the theme of the previous session should be carried out and delivered during the half-hour of TD. The answers can be write up in French or in English. If all exercises are returned, the lowest score will not be taken into account.

TD exercises must be handed in every week, at 10:00 a.m., on my desk in the classroom or via Schoology.


#3 Final Assignment: due January 4, 2020 at 11:59 PM. (35% of the grade).

In your final assignment, you will choose a topic related to one of the three main topics of the course (i.e., Repairing, Improving or Assisting) and provide an analysis of a question of your choice using themes and topics from class, deepened with outside readings. Your final assignment may take one of the following form: a podcast/audio documentary (10 minutes long); a short film (10 minutes long), a 2-page analytic paper; or an informational web-site/new Wikipedia page.


For the analytic paper: Length (~1000 words or 2 pages, 12 references, 1 extra element)

• The word limit does not include text in the box, table, or figure legend, or references. 

• The number of references is strictly limited to 12. 

• Manuscript can contain one additional element (a figure, table, or text box).

A 1 page proposal for your final project is due October 18, 2020 by 11:59 PM. This proposal should include a short summary of the proposed project, an outline of the content you plan to include, a timeline for completing the project, and a description of what attributes you believe the completed project should have in order to earn an A grade. If you have an idea of what you want your final project to be before the deadline, early submission is highly encouraged. You will receive feedback on your proposal as needed to ensure that we have a mutual understanding of what a successful completion of your final project will look like.

Réception des candidats

Dernière modification : 18 juin 2021 12:48

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Psychologie et sciences cognitives
Page web 
Sciences cognitives
Aires culturelles

The brain is a learning device. A well-developed brain gives to human unprecedented flexibility and adaptability. The aim of this course is to present key intervention schemes in several areas of neuroscience and cognitive engineering to show how neuroplasticity can be harnessed to (1) help recovering from neurological damage (sensory deficits, genetic diseases, stroke, etc.) via directly intervening on the material substrate (cochlear implants, stimulation, neurofeedback, gene therapies, etc.), (2) to acquire new skills or knowledge through education or training, or (3) to support cognition by modifying or reshaping the social and technical environment (design, urban planning, nudge, artefacts, etc.). The course will insist on evidence-based approaches of cognitive repair, cognitive remediation and enhancement. The course will also emphasize the many challenges that theses intervention schemes face in assisting, repairing or improving human cognition.

Le cerveau est un système apprenant. Un cerveau bien développé procure à l’individu une adaptabilité et une flexibilité sans précédent. Le but de ce cours est de présenter certains schémas d’intervention clés dans plusieurs domaines des neurosciences et de l’ingénierie cognitive afin de montrer comment la neuroplasticité peut être exploitée pour (1) se remettre d’une atteinte neurologique (déficit sensoriel, maladie génétique, attaque cérébrale, etc.) en intervenant directement sur le substrat matériel (implants cochléaires, stimulation, neurofeedback, thérapies géniques, etc.), (2) acquérir de nouvelles compétences ou connaissances via l’éducation ou l’entraînement, ou (3) pour assister la cognition en modifiant ou remodelant l’environnement social et techniques des individus (design, urbanisme, nudge, artefacts, etc.). Le cours insistera sur les approches en remédiation, réhabilitation ou amélioration cognitive basées sur les preuves. Le cours mettra également l’accent sur les difficultés que ces schémas d’intervention rencontrent dans leur capacité à assister, réparer ou améliorer la cognition humaine.

On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • understand the distinction between the three levels of intervention (environnement, software/psychology, hardware/brain) identified in the course.

  • identifying what can and cannot be done, what works and what does not (or not so well).

  • to provide evidence-based reasons for why a given intervention scheme works or does not work.

  • understand why it is more challenging to intervene at one level than at another (e.g. hardware vs software).

  • design an experimental plan to test the effectiveness of an intervention or to compare intervention schemes with each other.

  • Séminaires de tronc commun – Sciences cognitives – M2/S3
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 4 ECTS
    MCC – participation + oral + écrit
Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques

Attendance. Regular attendance of, and punctual arrival at all lectures are crucial to succeed in this course, and they are mandatory for all students registered for credit. This is important both for your individual success in this course, and for every other students’ success. Keep in mind in particular that, by arriving late, you are jeopardizing your own but also your classmates’ education by disrupting the flow of lectures. Practically speaking, if you are registered for credit then your grade will suffer from poor attendance or recurrent late arrivals. If you are not registered for credit, the same policy applies, though with different consequences: poor attendance or recurrent late arrivals may force us to ask you to stop auditing the course.

Participation. You are strongly encouraged to participate in lectures. This means asking deep and challenging questions, but also asking simple questions, asking for clarification, saying “I’m just not getting this, please explain it in some new way” or “I’m lost, can you remind me why we’re talking about this?” You can ask questions in French at any time.


Contacting the organizer via Schoology is the best way to contact me when you have brief questions.


Homework. All homework assignments are to be handed on time via Schoology. You can write up your answers in French or in English (NB you will not lose points for grammatical mistakes!). If you hand in all of the assignments, your lowest score will be factored out. Importantly if you do not hand in all of the assignments, your lowest score (namely 0) will not be dropped, and your grade will suffer accordingly. Naturally, exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis given adequately documented extraordinary circumstances.

Discussing assignments with classmates. You are allowed (and to some extent encouraged) to discuss homework assignments with your classmates. However, two things are required if you engage in substantive discussions of solutions: (i) you must indicate in your write-up the names of classmates with which you discussed solutions in some depth, and (ii) you must write up your answers to the assignment by yourself. Under no circumstances are you to share typed-up answers to the assignments or to discuss the actual write-ups. Use this opportunity for collaboration with your classmates wisely: working with a classmate who is more comfortable than you on a particular topic can help you understand that topic better; working with a classmate who knows less than you about a particular topic can help you consolidate what you know and force you to reassess fundamental elements of your knowledge. But you should collaborate with classmates in very small groups that are relatively well balanced in terms of understanding of the material.


Academic honesty policy. Cheating will not be tolerated and may cost you your grade as well as have deeper repercussions in your academic career. The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples of what counts as cheating in this course: (i) signing on the attendance sheet without attending the class (e.g. signing and leaving, or signing for someone else); (ii) copying the homework write-up or the exam answers of another student, with or without that student’s knowledge; (iii) copying elements of your solutions of exercises from sources in the literature without giving them due credit; (iv) using the same homework to validate two courses.


All days of the week before 2pm

Direction de travaux des étudiants

#1 Class participation (15% of the grade).

•  Oral (maximum 6 points). Your in-class participation helps us evaluate your overall engagement with the course. It could be in English or French. 1 participation (via the chat or in the class) gives the highest score every week. 


#2 TD (50% of the grade).

•  Written (maximum 14 points). Each week, an exercise on the theme of the previous session should be carried out and delivered during the half-hour of TD. The answers can be write up in French or in English. If all exercises are returned, the lowest score will not be taken into account.

TD exercises must be handed in every week, at 10:00 a.m., on my desk in the classroom or via Schoology.


#3 Final Assignment: due January 4, 2020 at 11:59 PM. (35% of the grade).

In your final assignment, you will choose a topic related to one of the three main topics of the course (i.e., Repairing, Improving or Assisting) and provide an analysis of a question of your choice using themes and topics from class, deepened with outside readings. Your final assignment may take one of the following form: a podcast/audio documentary (10 minutes long); a short film (10 minutes long), a 2-page analytic paper; or an informational web-site/new Wikipedia page.


For the analytic paper: Length (~1000 words or 2 pages, 12 references, 1 extra element)

• The word limit does not include text in the box, table, or figure legend, or references. 

• The number of references is strictly limited to 12. 

• Manuscript can contain one additional element (a figure, table, or text box).

A 1 page proposal for your final project is due October 18, 2020 by 11:59 PM. This proposal should include a short summary of the proposed project, an outline of the content you plan to include, a timeline for completing the project, and a description of what attributes you believe the completed project should have in order to earn an A grade. If you have an idea of what you want your final project to be before the deadline, early submission is highly encouraged. You will receive feedback on your proposal as needed to ensure that we have a mutual understanding of what a successful completion of your final project will look like.

Réception des candidats
  • ENS-Ulm
    75005 Paris
    1er semestre / hebdomadaire, lundi 09:30-11:30
    du 20 septembre 2021 au 10 janvier 2022