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UE401 - Comparative Cognition (COGSCI 312)

Lieu et planning

  • ENS-Ulm
    75005 Paris
    1er semestre / hebdomadaire, mercredi 10:30-12:30
    du 13 octobre 2021 au 12 janvier 2022


Dernière modification : 9 juillet 2021 11:33

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Psychologie et sciences cognitives
Page web 
Sciences cognitives
Aires culturelles

The course aims to provide students with an overview of the field of comparative cognition and a presentation of its concepts and methods. Starting from a brief presentation of the field, students will be faced with a variety of issues such as communication, sociality, cognitive mechanisms and meta cognition. Each class will be divided into two parts: about ¾ of the class will consist in a lecture by an expert of the field, where students will be invited to discuss and ask questions, and the second part (1/4 of the course) will consist in the discussion of a study, led by one student. Additionally, students will present a mini-project (written report or oral presentation) on a subject of their choice due by the end of the semester, that can take the form of a literature review, research protocol or popularization media (twitter account, blog…). The aim of such a broad overview, combined with the homework, is for students to become aware of the main research questions addressed by the field, and to be able to understand and critically discuss studies in comparative cognition.


L’objectif de ce cours est de donner aux étudiants un aperçu des thématiques de recherche en cognition comparée et de leur en présenter les principaux concepts et méthodologies. Le cours débutera par une courte présentation du domaine et présentera ensuite quelques sujets clés de cognition comparée, comme la communication, la socialité, les mécanismes cognitifs et la méta cognition. Chaque session sera partagée en deux partie. Durant la première partie (environ ⅔  du cours), un expert viendra enseigner un sujet lors d’un cours théorique, où les étudiants seront encouragés à discuter et poser des questions. La seconde partie du cours (environ ⅓ ) consistera en une discussion d’une étude spécifique, menée par un.e étudiant.e. Les étudiants devront aussi présenter un mini-projet (à l’écrit ou l’oral) en fin de semestre sur le sujet de leur choix, sous la forme d’une review de la littérature scientifique, ou d’un protocole de recherche, ou d’un média de vulgarisation (blog, compte twitter). Le but de cette large introduction, conjuguée au travail régulier de l’étudiant, est d’initier les étudiants aux principales questions du domaine, mais aussi de leur permettre de comprendre et de discuter de façon critique et constructive une étude de cognition comparée.

On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

-discuss the main theories and classic examples of comparative cognition

-read, understand and critically discuss a study in comparative cognition


  • Séminaires de tronc commun – Sciences cognitives – M1/S1-M2/S3
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 4 ECTS
    MCC – mini-projet + discussion + participation


Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques
Direction de travaux des étudiants
  • Before each class, students will be invited to read a paper provided by the main teacher or the guest lecturer, and one student will be designated as the “discussion leader”.

  • Each class lasts 2 hours consisting of two distinct parts. The first part (about 1h) is a lecture by a guest researcher on their topic of expertise. During the lecture, students are invited to participate, answer questions and think about the ideas, protocols and conclusions exposed. The second part of the class (about 40 min) is a journal club: the discussion leader provides a summary of the paper (question, methods, results and conclusion) which is followed by a discussion by everybody (do the data support the conclusions, what could be improved, what further analyses could be conducted…), chaired by the discussion leader.

  • A mini-project work will be due by the end of the semester: the student will present a literature review or a research protocol. Final presentation is written or oral, at the student’s convenience [To be adapted depending on the evolution of the Covid situation]


  • Mini-project (written report or oral presentation) (50%)
    Written report: Times New Roman, 12 pts, normal margin, double space. 6 pages.
    Oral presentation: Slides, 10 min + 5 min questions.
    Times New Roman, 12 pts, normal margin, double space, 600-800 words

  • Leading one discussion (30%)

  • Participation in class lectures and discussions (20%)

Réception des candidats


Dernière modification : 9 juillet 2021 11:33

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Psychologie et sciences cognitives
Page web 
Sciences cognitives
Aires culturelles

The course aims to provide students with an overview of the field of comparative cognition and a presentation of its concepts and methods. Starting from a brief presentation of the field, students will be faced with a variety of issues such as communication, sociality, cognitive mechanisms and meta cognition. Each class will be divided into two parts: about ¾ of the class will consist in a lecture by an expert of the field, where students will be invited to discuss and ask questions, and the second part (1/4 of the course) will consist in the discussion of a study, led by one student. Additionally, students will present a mini-project (written report or oral presentation) on a subject of their choice due by the end of the semester, that can take the form of a literature review, research protocol or popularization media (twitter account, blog…). The aim of such a broad overview, combined with the homework, is for students to become aware of the main research questions addressed by the field, and to be able to understand and critically discuss studies in comparative cognition.


L’objectif de ce cours est de donner aux étudiants un aperçu des thématiques de recherche en cognition comparée et de leur en présenter les principaux concepts et méthodologies. Le cours débutera par une courte présentation du domaine et présentera ensuite quelques sujets clés de cognition comparée, comme la communication, la socialité, les mécanismes cognitifs et la méta cognition. Chaque session sera partagée en deux partie. Durant la première partie (environ ⅔  du cours), un expert viendra enseigner un sujet lors d’un cours théorique, où les étudiants seront encouragés à discuter et poser des questions. La seconde partie du cours (environ ⅓ ) consistera en une discussion d’une étude spécifique, menée par un.e étudiant.e. Les étudiants devront aussi présenter un mini-projet (à l’écrit ou l’oral) en fin de semestre sur le sujet de leur choix, sous la forme d’une review de la littérature scientifique, ou d’un protocole de recherche, ou d’un média de vulgarisation (blog, compte twitter). Le but de cette large introduction, conjuguée au travail régulier de l’étudiant, est d’initier les étudiants aux principales questions du domaine, mais aussi de leur permettre de comprendre et de discuter de façon critique et constructive une étude de cognition comparée.

On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

-discuss the main theories and classic examples of comparative cognition

-read, understand and critically discuss a study in comparative cognition

  • Séminaires de tronc commun – Sciences cognitives – M1/S1-M2/S3
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 4 ECTS
    MCC – mini-projet + discussion + participation
Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques
Direction de travaux des étudiants
  • Before each class, students will be invited to read a paper provided by the main teacher or the guest lecturer, and one student will be designated as the “discussion leader”.

  • Each class lasts 2 hours consisting of two distinct parts. The first part (about 1h) is a lecture by a guest researcher on their topic of expertise. During the lecture, students are invited to participate, answer questions and think about the ideas, protocols and conclusions exposed. The second part of the class (about 40 min) is a journal club: the discussion leader provides a summary of the paper (question, methods, results and conclusion) which is followed by a discussion by everybody (do the data support the conclusions, what could be improved, what further analyses could be conducted…), chaired by the discussion leader.

  • A mini-project work will be due by the end of the semester: the student will present a literature review or a research protocol. Final presentation is written or oral, at the student’s convenience [To be adapted depending on the evolution of the Covid situation]


  • Mini-project (written report or oral presentation) (50%)
    Written report: Times New Roman, 12 pts, normal margin, double space. 6 pages.
    Oral presentation: Slides, 10 min + 5 min questions.
    Times New Roman, 12 pts, normal margin, double space, 600-800 words

  • Leading one discussion (30%)

  • Participation in class lectures and discussions (20%)

Réception des candidats


  • ENS-Ulm
    75005 Paris
    1er semestre / hebdomadaire, mercredi 10:30-12:30
    du 13 octobre 2021 au 12 janvier 2022