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UE399 - New Approaches to Human Memory [COGSCI 309]

Lieu et planning

  • Autre lieu Paris
    Université Paris-Descartes, 12 rue de l'École de Médecine 75006 Paris
    1er semestre / hebdomadaire, lundi 14:00-16:00
    du 20 septembre 2021 au 10 janvier 2022


Dernière modification : 26 mai 2021 18:19

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Psychologie et sciences cognitives
Page web 
Mémoire Sciences cognitives
Aires culturelles
  • Pascale Piolino [référent·e]   professeure des universités, Sorbonne Université

The objective of this course is to present the functioning of human memory in interaction with other cognitive functions from a multimodal approach (experimental, lifespan, pathological, cerebral, immersive technology), and according to a representational and a more embodied and situated conception of cognition. The course aims to present the latest research in cognitive science on human memory in the domain of interaction between memory and for instance: multidimensional self, attention and executive functions, sense of presence, action and body, self-regulation, and prospection.

The course will also be an opportunity to present more ecological and embodied paradigms of human memory. The final purpose of this course is to provide to the students a panel of new knowledge and approaches of human memory that could give them the theoretical and methodological background to generate innovative research on human memory and associated cognition.

L’objectif de ce cours est de présenter le fonctionnement de la mémoire humaine en interaction avec d’autres fonctions cognitives à partir d’une approche multimodale (expérimentale, âges de la vie, pathologique, cérébrale, technologie immersive). Ce cours vise à présenter les dernières recherches en sciences cognitives sur la mémoire humaine dans ses interactions avec différentes fonctions associées telles que la représentation et la perception de soi, l’attention, et les fonctions exécutives, le sentiment de présence, les faux souvenirs, l’action et le corps, les processus d’autorégulation et de prospection.

Le cours sera également l’occasion de former les étudiants à concevoir des paradigmes plus écologiques et incarnés pour l’étude de la mémoire humaine et sa stimulation à partir des nouvelles technologies (caméra 360°, immersion virtuelle, interaction homme-machine…). L'objectif final de ce cours est de fournir aux étudiants un panel de nouvelles connaissances et d’approches de la cognition leur permettant de concevoir des recherches innovantes sur la mémoire humaine et la cognition associée.

On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Link memory to other domains of cognition (e.g., self, attention, body, prospection, monitoring)

  • Examine and debate the ecological dimension of memory research

  • Define memory using representational and embodied and situated concepts

  • Propose new paradigms to study embodied memory

  • Conceive experiments using new technology (virtual reality, 360° camera, living lab recording)

  • Transfer fundamental research to applied domains such as clinical or pedagogical interest.



  • Séminaires de tronc commun – Sciences cognitives – M1/S1-M2/S3
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 4 ECTS
    MCC – CC + examen


Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques
Direction de travaux des étudiants

All courses rely on additional lecturing, discussion groups and homework (training with Unity 3D, short report and oral presentation) and all students will have access to an online space for sharing articles, documents, and ideas. Some course will be illustrated by a “TD”.

The student will have to present literature on a specific research question in connection with the courses (50% short document of 10 pages and oral presentation). Depending on the number of students, this work would be realized alone or by a group of 2 or 3. The list of questions will be discussed with the students at the 1st course.

a final written exam (50%)

Réception des candidats

Les inscriptions sont soumises à l'accord préalable du responsable d'UE


The course does not presuppose very particular knowledge, but it is required to have taken a level 2 course in psychology or cognitive neuroscience.

The students would have access on a website to basic reading on memory and embodied cognition ahead of taking the class (e.g., Barsalou, L. W. (2008). Grounded cognition. Ann. Rev. Psychol. 59, 617–645. doi: 10.1146/annurev.psych.59.103006.093639 ; Versace et al., La cognition incarnée: une cognition située et projetée. Mardaga, 2018; Hommel, B. (2004). Event files: feature binding in and across perception and action. Trends Cogn. Sci. 8, 494–500.doi:10.1016/j.tics.2004.08.007;  Plancher G, Barra J, Orriols E, Piolino P. (2013). The influence of action on episodic memory: a virtual reality study. Q J Exp Psychol (Hove). 2013;66(5):895-909. doi: 10.1080/17470218.2012.72265).

Dernière modification : 26 mai 2021 18:19

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Psychologie et sciences cognitives
Page web 
Mémoire Sciences cognitives
Aires culturelles
  • Pascale Piolino [référent·e]   professeure des universités, Sorbonne Université

The objective of this course is to present the functioning of human memory in interaction with other cognitive functions from a multimodal approach (experimental, lifespan, pathological, cerebral, immersive technology), and according to a representational and a more embodied and situated conception of cognition. The course aims to present the latest research in cognitive science on human memory in the domain of interaction between memory and for instance: multidimensional self, attention and executive functions, sense of presence, action and body, self-regulation, and prospection.

The course will also be an opportunity to present more ecological and embodied paradigms of human memory. The final purpose of this course is to provide to the students a panel of new knowledge and approaches of human memory that could give them the theoretical and methodological background to generate innovative research on human memory and associated cognition.

L’objectif de ce cours est de présenter le fonctionnement de la mémoire humaine en interaction avec d’autres fonctions cognitives à partir d’une approche multimodale (expérimentale, âges de la vie, pathologique, cérébrale, technologie immersive). Ce cours vise à présenter les dernières recherches en sciences cognitives sur la mémoire humaine dans ses interactions avec différentes fonctions associées telles que la représentation et la perception de soi, l’attention, et les fonctions exécutives, le sentiment de présence, les faux souvenirs, l’action et le corps, les processus d’autorégulation et de prospection.

Le cours sera également l’occasion de former les étudiants à concevoir des paradigmes plus écologiques et incarnés pour l’étude de la mémoire humaine et sa stimulation à partir des nouvelles technologies (caméra 360°, immersion virtuelle, interaction homme-machine…). L'objectif final de ce cours est de fournir aux étudiants un panel de nouvelles connaissances et d’approches de la cognition leur permettant de concevoir des recherches innovantes sur la mémoire humaine et la cognition associée.

On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Link memory to other domains of cognition (e.g., self, attention, body, prospection, monitoring)

  • Examine and debate the ecological dimension of memory research

  • Define memory using representational and embodied and situated concepts

  • Propose new paradigms to study embodied memory

  • Conceive experiments using new technology (virtual reality, 360° camera, living lab recording)

  • Transfer fundamental research to applied domains such as clinical or pedagogical interest.


  • Séminaires de tronc commun – Sciences cognitives – M1/S1-M2/S3
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 4 ECTS
    MCC – CC + examen
Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques
Direction de travaux des étudiants

All courses rely on additional lecturing, discussion groups and homework (training with Unity 3D, short report and oral presentation) and all students will have access to an online space for sharing articles, documents, and ideas. Some course will be illustrated by a “TD”.

The student will have to present literature on a specific research question in connection with the courses (50% short document of 10 pages and oral presentation). Depending on the number of students, this work would be realized alone or by a group of 2 or 3. The list of questions will be discussed with the students at the 1st course.

a final written exam (50%)

Réception des candidats

Les inscriptions sont soumises à l'accord préalable du responsable d'UE


The course does not presuppose very particular knowledge, but it is required to have taken a level 2 course in psychology or cognitive neuroscience.

The students would have access on a website to basic reading on memory and embodied cognition ahead of taking the class (e.g., Barsalou, L. W. (2008). Grounded cognition. Ann. Rev. Psychol. 59, 617–645. doi: 10.1146/annurev.psych.59.103006.093639 ; Versace et al., La cognition incarnée: une cognition située et projetée. Mardaga, 2018; Hommel, B. (2004). Event files: feature binding in and across perception and action. Trends Cogn. Sci. 8, 494–500.doi:10.1016/j.tics.2004.08.007;  Plancher G, Barra J, Orriols E, Piolino P. (2013). The influence of action on episodic memory: a virtual reality study. Q J Exp Psychol (Hove). 2013;66(5):895-909. doi: 10.1080/17470218.2012.72265).

  • Autre lieu Paris
    Université Paris-Descartes, 12 rue de l'École de Médecine 75006 Paris
    1er semestre / hebdomadaire, lundi 14:00-16:00
    du 20 septembre 2021 au 10 janvier 2022