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UE390 - Perception, Action, Attention [COGSCI 308]

Lieu et planning

  • ENS-Ulm
    75005 Paris
    1er semestre / hebdomadaire, jeudi 09:30-12:30
    du 16 septembre 2021 au 13 janvier 2022


Dernière modification : 18 juin 2021 12:43

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Psychologie et sciences cognitives
Page web 
Aires culturelles

This course presents current research on the topics of perception, action and attention. Based on primary research articles,

The class is subdivided into 3 blocks of 4 classes, each taught by a single instructor. The first part of each class is spent discussing the target article for the week, in “journal club” format. PowerPoint presentations are prohibited! Each discussion is lead by 2 students who present the paper and respond to questions the other students have sent in (via Schoology). The second part of each class is a lecture-style class, in which student are nevertheless strongly encouraged to interrupt and ask questions.

Collins: perception-action, decision-making, self-movement information in monkeys, healthy humans and schizophrenic patients                     

Waszak: ideomotor theory

Dugué: advanced topics in visual attention


  • Séminaires de tronc commun – Sciences cognitives – M1/S1-M2/S3
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 6 ECTS
    MCC – CC + examen


Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques

les inscriptions sont soumises à l'accord préalable du responsable d'UE.

Direction de travaux des étudiants

● weekly reading & sending in questions + leading one journal club (25%)

● 3 final exams (25% each). The exam for each block takes place just after the 4 classes, spacing out exams across the semester.

Réception des candidats

Level 1 courses in both Psych and Neuroscience, at least one level 2 class in either.

Dernière modification : 18 juin 2021 12:43

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Psychologie et sciences cognitives
Page web 
Aires culturelles

This course presents current research on the topics of perception, action and attention. Based on primary research articles,

The class is subdivided into 3 blocks of 4 classes, each taught by a single instructor. The first part of each class is spent discussing the target article for the week, in “journal club” format. PowerPoint presentations are prohibited! Each discussion is lead by 2 students who present the paper and respond to questions the other students have sent in (via Schoology). The second part of each class is a lecture-style class, in which student are nevertheless strongly encouraged to interrupt and ask questions.

Collins: perception-action, decision-making, self-movement information in monkeys, healthy humans and schizophrenic patients                     

Waszak: ideomotor theory

Dugué: advanced topics in visual attention

  • Séminaires de tronc commun – Sciences cognitives – M1/S1-M2/S3
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 6 ECTS
    MCC – CC + examen
Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques

les inscriptions sont soumises à l'accord préalable du responsable d'UE.

Direction de travaux des étudiants

● weekly reading & sending in questions + leading one journal club (25%)

● 3 final exams (25% each). The exam for each block takes place just after the 4 classes, spacing out exams across the semester.

Réception des candidats

Level 1 courses in both Psych and Neuroscience, at least one level 2 class in either.

  • ENS-Ulm
    75005 Paris
    1er semestre / hebdomadaire, jeudi 09:30-12:30
    du 16 septembre 2021 au 13 janvier 2022