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UE947 - LITREV - Doing lit reviews like a pro

Lieu et planning

  • Autre lieu Paris
    ENS, 29 rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris
    2nd semestre / hebdomadaire, lundi 11:00-13:00
    du 1er février 2021 au 17 mai 2021


Dernière modification : 8 avril 2021 11:18

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Psychologie et sciences cognitives
Page web 
Méthodes et techniques des sciences sociales Sciences cognitives
Aires culturelles
  • Alejandrina Cristia [référent·e]   chargée de recherche, CNRS / Laboratoire de sciences cognitives et psycholinguistiques (LSCP)
  • Alex Lopa de Carvalho   maître de conférences, Université de Paris
  • Mireille Babineau   contrat postdoctoral, ENS / Laboratoire de sciences cognitives et psycholinguistiques (LSCP)

Reading, understanding, and critiquing scientific literature is a determinant skill for nearly any endeavor you will undertake in the future. If you stay in academia, this will form the foundation of your own research. If you go on to a career in R&D, your ability to critically appraise fundamental research could make or break your job standing. And in any case, you may find yourself trying to make evidence-based decisions on aspects of your life for years to come: Should you go on this diet or that one? Should you accept this treatment your doctor is suggesting? Should you send your children to a Montessori preschool even if it costs double? Should you start yoga when you retire, or before? In this course, we give you the basics of how to read scientific literature, as well as a chance to put these ideas into practice in the domain of your choice.

Le programme détaillé n'est pas disponible.


  • Séminaires de tronc commun – Sciences cognitives – M1/S2-M2/S4
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 2 ECTS
    MCC – examen, projet, participation orale


Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques

The complete syllabus of the course is available on the Cogmaster's website. For any information, please contact the secretariat of the Cogmaster.

Registration procedure (external students) :

Direction de travaux des étudiants
Réception des candidats


Dernière modification : 8 avril 2021 11:18

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Psychologie et sciences cognitives
Page web 
Méthodes et techniques des sciences sociales Sciences cognitives
Aires culturelles
  • Alejandrina Cristia [référent·e]   chargée de recherche, CNRS / Laboratoire de sciences cognitives et psycholinguistiques (LSCP)
  • Alex Lopa de Carvalho   maître de conférences, Université de Paris
  • Mireille Babineau   contrat postdoctoral, ENS / Laboratoire de sciences cognitives et psycholinguistiques (LSCP)

Reading, understanding, and critiquing scientific literature is a determinant skill for nearly any endeavor you will undertake in the future. If you stay in academia, this will form the foundation of your own research. If you go on to a career in R&D, your ability to critically appraise fundamental research could make or break your job standing. And in any case, you may find yourself trying to make evidence-based decisions on aspects of your life for years to come: Should you go on this diet or that one? Should you accept this treatment your doctor is suggesting? Should you send your children to a Montessori preschool even if it costs double? Should you start yoga when you retire, or before? In this course, we give you the basics of how to read scientific literature, as well as a chance to put these ideas into practice in the domain of your choice.

Le programme détaillé n'est pas disponible.

  • Séminaires de tronc commun – Sciences cognitives – M1/S2-M2/S4
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 2 ECTS
    MCC – examen, projet, participation orale
Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques

The complete syllabus of the course is available on the Cogmaster's website. For any information, please contact the secretariat of the Cogmaster.

Registration procedure (external students) :

Direction de travaux des étudiants
Réception des candidats


  • Autre lieu Paris
    ENS, 29 rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris
    2nd semestre / hebdomadaire, lundi 11:00-13:00
    du 1er février 2021 au 17 mai 2021