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UE934 - COGSCI 311 - Cognitive neurosciences of consciousness
Lieu et planning
Autre lieu Paris
Université de Paris, 45 rue des Saints-Pères 75006 Paris
1er semestre / hebdomadaire, mercredi 09:00-12:00
du 23 septembre 2020 au 20 janvier 2021
Dernière modification : 7 avril 2021 15:25
- Type d'UE
- Séminaires DR/CR
- Disciplines
- Psychologie et sciences cognitives
- Page web
- Langues
- anglais
- Mots-clés
- Sciences cognitives
- Aires culturelles
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- Claire Sergent [référent·e] maîtresse de conférences, Université de Paris
- Jérôme Sackur directeur d'études, EHESS / Laboratoire de sciences cognitives et psycholinguistiques (LSCP)
This course aims at presenting a state of the art in cognitive neuroscience research on consciousness. The major focus of the course is the understanding of the psychological properties and neural underpinnings of conscious perception, conscious access and reflexive consciousness (the ability to make introspective judgments about one's own perception or cognition). From there we make propositions as to how other aspects of consciousness relates to this central building block. The course opens to these other aspects in two ways: seminars by external teachers and students’ mini-projects. Our main working model is the Global Neuronal Workspace Model. Other models are mentioned and discussed: local recurrence; higher order thought; Integrated Information Theory. Throughout the course we keep in mind the societal challenges linked with this research topic, including the assessment of pathologies of consciousness, the assessment of consciousness in animals and the acknowledgement of the unconscious determinants of (human) behaviours and decisions.
Claire Sergent & Jérôme Sackur “General introduction”
Jérôme Sackur “Reflexive consciousness: metacognition, confidence and introspection’
Claire Sergent “Conscious access part 1: the notion of conscious access, unconscious cognition”
Claire Sergent “Conscious access part 2: from subjective report to brain activity”
Claire Sergent “Conscious access part 3: from subjective report to brain activity and return”
Claire Sergent & Jérôme Sackur: “From ‘single access’ to a conscious flow? Spontaneous activity, mind-wandering”
Claire Sergent & Jérôme Sackur (in split groups) Présentation et Discussion des Mini-projets (1)
Claire Sergent & Jérôme Sackur (in split groups) Présentation et Discussion des Mini-projets (2)
Louise Goupil “Probing consciousness in animals and babies”
Catherine Tallon-Baudry “Neural basis of subjectivity”
Mélanie Strauss “Consciousness and sleep”
Lionel Naccache “The neuropsychology of consciousness, disorders of consciousness”
Kevin O’Regan “Consciousness and sensory-motor contingencies”
Claire Sergent & Jérôme Sackur “Outstanding questions, synthesis and discussion”
Séminaires de recherche
– Sciences cognitives
– M2/S3
Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 6 ECTS
MCC – exposé oral, contrôle continu
- Contacts additionnels
- Informations pratiques
The complete syllabus of the course is available on the Cogmaster's website. For any information, please contact the secretariat of the Cogmaster.
Registration procedure (external students) :
- Direction de travaux des étudiants
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- Réception des candidats
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- Pré-requis
Cogmaster M1 or equivalent: specifically base knowledge in Neurosciences and Psychology, some notions in modelling or philosophy of mind. Having followed “Introduction to Neurosciences” and “Introduction to Psychology” (or equivalent) will be a bare minimum.
Having followed the course on “Neuroimaging techniques” and the “Advanced course in Neurosciences”, or advanced courses in psychology (methodology or psychological functions) will be very useful to make the most of this course.
Dernière modification : 7 avril 2021 15:25
- Type d'UE
- Séminaires DR/CR
- Disciplines
- Psychologie et sciences cognitives
- Page web
- Langues
- anglais
- Mots-clés
- Sciences cognitives
- Aires culturelles
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- Claire Sergent [référent·e] maîtresse de conférences, Université de Paris
- Jérôme Sackur directeur d'études, EHESS / Laboratoire de sciences cognitives et psycholinguistiques (LSCP)
This course aims at presenting a state of the art in cognitive neuroscience research on consciousness. The major focus of the course is the understanding of the psychological properties and neural underpinnings of conscious perception, conscious access and reflexive consciousness (the ability to make introspective judgments about one's own perception or cognition). From there we make propositions as to how other aspects of consciousness relates to this central building block. The course opens to these other aspects in two ways: seminars by external teachers and students’ mini-projects. Our main working model is the Global Neuronal Workspace Model. Other models are mentioned and discussed: local recurrence; higher order thought; Integrated Information Theory. Throughout the course we keep in mind the societal challenges linked with this research topic, including the assessment of pathologies of consciousness, the assessment of consciousness in animals and the acknowledgement of the unconscious determinants of (human) behaviours and decisions.
Claire Sergent & Jérôme Sackur “General introduction”
Jérôme Sackur “Reflexive consciousness: metacognition, confidence and introspection’
Claire Sergent “Conscious access part 1: the notion of conscious access, unconscious cognition”
Claire Sergent “Conscious access part 2: from subjective report to brain activity”
Claire Sergent “Conscious access part 3: from subjective report to brain activity and return”
Claire Sergent & Jérôme Sackur: “From ‘single access’ to a conscious flow? Spontaneous activity, mind-wandering”
Claire Sergent & Jérôme Sackur (in split groups) Présentation et Discussion des Mini-projets (1)
Claire Sergent & Jérôme Sackur (in split groups) Présentation et Discussion des Mini-projets (2)
Louise Goupil “Probing consciousness in animals and babies”
Catherine Tallon-Baudry “Neural basis of subjectivity”
Mélanie Strauss “Consciousness and sleep”
Lionel Naccache “The neuropsychology of consciousness, disorders of consciousness”
Kevin O’Regan “Consciousness and sensory-motor contingencies”
Claire Sergent & Jérôme Sackur “Outstanding questions, synthesis and discussion”
Séminaires de recherche
– Sciences cognitives
– M2/S3
Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 6 ECTS
MCC – exposé oral, contrôle continu
- Contacts additionnels
- Informations pratiques
The complete syllabus of the course is available on the Cogmaster's website. For any information, please contact the secretariat of the Cogmaster.
Registration procedure (external students) :
- Direction de travaux des étudiants
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- Réception des candidats
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- Pré-requis
Cogmaster M1 or equivalent: specifically base knowledge in Neurosciences and Psychology, some notions in modelling or philosophy of mind. Having followed “Introduction to Neurosciences” and “Introduction to Psychology” (or equivalent) will be a bare minimum.
Having followed the course on “Neuroimaging techniques” and the “Advanced course in Neurosciences”, or advanced courses in psychology (methodology or psychological functions) will be very useful to make the most of this course.
Autre lieu Paris
Université de Paris, 45 rue des Saints-Pères 75006 Paris
1er semestre / hebdomadaire, mercredi 09:00-12:00
du 23 septembre 2020 au 20 janvier 2021