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UE926 - COGSCI 302 - Super semantics

Lieu et planning

  • Autre lieu Paris
    ENS, 29 rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris
    1er semestre / hebdomadaire, lundi 14:00-16:00
    du 21 septembre 2020 au 18 janvier 2021


Dernière modification : 8 avril 2021 11:22

Type d'UE
Séminaires DR/CR
Linguistique, sémantique
Page web 
Linguistique Sciences cognitives
Aires culturelles

While formal semantics has been a success story of contemporary linguistics, it has been narrowly focused on spoken language. Systematic extensions of its research program have recently been explored: beyond spoken language, beyond human language, beyond language proper, and even beyond systems with an overt syntax. First, the development of sign language semantics calls for systems that integrate logical semantics with a rich iconic component. This semantics-with-iconicity is also crucial to understand the interaction between co-speech gestures and logical operators, an important point of comparison for sign languages. Second, several recent articles have proposed analyses of the semantics/pragmatics of primate alarm calls, an important topical extension of semantics. Third, recent research has developed a semantics/pragmatics for music, based in part on insights from iconic semantics. Finally, the methods of formal semantics have newly been applied to reasoning and to concepts, which do not have a syntax that can be directly observed. The overall result is a far broader typology of meaning operations in nature than was available a few years ago. The course will offer a survey of some of these results, with topics that will change from year to year.

Part A. Super Semantics in communication (Schlenker)

    A1. Sign language semantics

    A2. Signs vs. gestures

    A3. Gesture semantics

    A4. Primate semantics

    A5. Music semantics


Part B. Super Semantics in thought (Chemla - Mascarenhas)

    B1. Cognitive constraints on content words and function words, in language and thought

    B2. Competition between concepts outside of core language cases

    B3. The logic of thought: understanding human failures of reasoning

    B4. Separating interpretive processes from domain-general reasoning


  • Séminaires de recherche – Sciences cognitives – M2/S3
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 6 ECTS
    MCC – examen


Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques

The complete syllabus of the course is available on the Cogmaster's website. For any information, please contact the secretariat of the Cogmaster.

Registration procedure (external students) :

Direction de travaux des étudiants
Réception des candidats

Students should have an ability to follow formal analyses, and they should thus have taken a serious introduction to formal logic or to formal semantics, or have significant experience with mathematical theories. If in doubt, please check with the instructors.

Dernière modification : 8 avril 2021 11:22

Type d'UE
Séminaires DR/CR
Linguistique, sémantique
Page web 
Linguistique Sciences cognitives
Aires culturelles

While formal semantics has been a success story of contemporary linguistics, it has been narrowly focused on spoken language. Systematic extensions of its research program have recently been explored: beyond spoken language, beyond human language, beyond language proper, and even beyond systems with an overt syntax. First, the development of sign language semantics calls for systems that integrate logical semantics with a rich iconic component. This semantics-with-iconicity is also crucial to understand the interaction between co-speech gestures and logical operators, an important point of comparison for sign languages. Second, several recent articles have proposed analyses of the semantics/pragmatics of primate alarm calls, an important topical extension of semantics. Third, recent research has developed a semantics/pragmatics for music, based in part on insights from iconic semantics. Finally, the methods of formal semantics have newly been applied to reasoning and to concepts, which do not have a syntax that can be directly observed. The overall result is a far broader typology of meaning operations in nature than was available a few years ago. The course will offer a survey of some of these results, with topics that will change from year to year.

Part A. Super Semantics in communication (Schlenker)

    A1. Sign language semantics

    A2. Signs vs. gestures

    A3. Gesture semantics

    A4. Primate semantics

    A5. Music semantics


Part B. Super Semantics in thought (Chemla - Mascarenhas)

    B1. Cognitive constraints on content words and function words, in language and thought

    B2. Competition between concepts outside of core language cases

    B3. The logic of thought: understanding human failures of reasoning

    B4. Separating interpretive processes from domain-general reasoning

  • Séminaires de recherche – Sciences cognitives – M2/S3
    Suivi et validation – semestriel hebdomadaire = 6 ECTS
    MCC – examen
Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques

The complete syllabus of the course is available on the Cogmaster's website. For any information, please contact the secretariat of the Cogmaster.

Registration procedure (external students) :

Direction de travaux des étudiants
Réception des candidats

Students should have an ability to follow formal analyses, and they should thus have taken a serious introduction to formal logic or to formal semantics, or have significant experience with mathematical theories. If in doubt, please check with the instructors.

  • Autre lieu Paris
    ENS, 29 rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris
    1er semestre / hebdomadaire, lundi 14:00-16:00
    du 21 septembre 2020 au 18 janvier 2021