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UE785 - Historical Demography

Lieu et planning

  • 48 bd Jourdan
    48 bd Jourdan 75014 Paris
    2nd semestre / hebdomadaire, vendredi 08:00-11:00
    du 8 janvier 2021 au 25 juin 2021


Dernière modification : 28 mai 2020 10:33

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Page web 
Aires culturelles
  • Lionel Kesztenbaum [référent·e]   chargé de recherche, INED / Paris School of Economics (PJSE)

This course deals with the relationship between population and economic development. It will present the basic concepts of demography and illustrate them by the most recent works in historical demography and economic history. The aim is to give a broad perspective on the industrial revolution and the subsequent emergence of the modern economy but also to discuss how this historical analysis may help to understand present issues in population studies. We will tackle two sets of problems. First, the industrial revolution occurred simultaneously with huge population changes, in both quantitative and qualitative ways. We will explore how these changes–reduction in mortality, changes in the size and shape of the body, lower birth rate, population aging, and so on–contributed, or not, to economic growth. Second, changes in the economic environment–not only increases in income or wealth but also changes of institutions, urbanization, inequality–have themselves important consequences on population living conditions. Looking at both ways of the relationship, we will address the larger question of the role of different actors–markets, the state, individuals, and families–on economic development in the long run.

Le programme détaillé n'est pas disponible.


  • Initiation/introduction – Analyse et politique économiques – M2/S4
    Suivi et validation – semestriel quotidienne = 3 ECTS
    MCC – contrôle continu


Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques

Mentions APE et PPD, secrétariat pédagogique, 48 bd Jourdan 75014 Paris, tél. : 01 80 52 19 43/44. Pour tout renseignement, veuillez écrire à

48 Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris

du lundi au mardi de 15h30h à 17h30 et du jeudi au vendredi de 10h à 12h30.

Le syllabus et le planning du cours seront disponibles sur le site Internet :

Direction de travaux des étudiants
Réception des candidats

Dernière modification : 28 mai 2020 10:33

Type d'UE
Enseignements fondamentaux de master
Page web 
Aires culturelles
  • Lionel Kesztenbaum [référent·e]   chargé de recherche, INED / Paris School of Economics (PJSE)

This course deals with the relationship between population and economic development. It will present the basic concepts of demography and illustrate them by the most recent works in historical demography and economic history. The aim is to give a broad perspective on the industrial revolution and the subsequent emergence of the modern economy but also to discuss how this historical analysis may help to understand present issues in population studies. We will tackle two sets of problems. First, the industrial revolution occurred simultaneously with huge population changes, in both quantitative and qualitative ways. We will explore how these changes–reduction in mortality, changes in the size and shape of the body, lower birth rate, population aging, and so on–contributed, or not, to economic growth. Second, changes in the economic environment–not only increases in income or wealth but also changes of institutions, urbanization, inequality–have themselves important consequences on population living conditions. Looking at both ways of the relationship, we will address the larger question of the role of different actors–markets, the state, individuals, and families–on economic development in the long run.

Le programme détaillé n'est pas disponible.

  • Initiation/introduction – Analyse et politique économiques – M2/S4
    Suivi et validation – semestriel quotidienne = 3 ECTS
    MCC – contrôle continu
Contacts additionnels
Informations pratiques

Mentions APE et PPD, secrétariat pédagogique, 48 bd Jourdan 75014 Paris, tél. : 01 80 52 19 43/44. Pour tout renseignement, veuillez écrire à

48 Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris

du lundi au mardi de 15h30h à 17h30 et du jeudi au vendredi de 10h à 12h30.

Le syllabus et le planning du cours seront disponibles sur le site Internet :

Direction de travaux des étudiants
Réception des candidats
  • 48 bd Jourdan
    48 bd Jourdan 75014 Paris
    2nd semestre / hebdomadaire, vendredi 08:00-11:00
    du 8 janvier 2021 au 25 juin 2021